
Top Pool Maintenance Tips

Pools are a great investment both for your property and your family’s happiness. Not only does it significantly increase the value of your house during

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DIY Swim Pool Care Tips

A swimming pool will guarantee hours of fun and enjoyment, but with pool ownership also comes pool responsibility and care. While it’s great to dream

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What Can Leaves Do To Your Swimming Pool?

It’s that time of year when fallen leaves and debris can cause havoc to your swimming pool. Winter storms and strong winds are not good for your pool, especially if you’ve decided against installing a cover over the winter months. So, if you have a swimming pool close to trees, watch out for the dreaded leaves and the damage they may bring. They will affect your water balance, consume your chemicals and stain your pool surfaces, so try to remove them as soon as they arrive.

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Swimming Pool Covers

In Australia, we are blessed with great weather with brilliant sunshine and UV rays bombarding swimming pools for a large part of the year. The excellent weather means solar covers are a popular choice for many swimming pool owners as they absorb the sun’s rays.

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How To Prepare Your Pool For Winter

As the air cools down and we draw close to winter months, you’ll need to start thinking about what you’ll be doing with your pool. You have a choice to maximise its usage and keep it open in the winter months or to close it down. If you’re shutting it down, it’s always good to follow a routine to ensure it’s in excellent condition when it’s opened again in the spring.

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A Beginners Guide To Pool Maintenance

A swimming pool will bring you hours of fitness, fun and the opportunity to spend quality family time with each other. With any pool, there also comes maintenance, and here at Barrier Reef Pools Perth, we’ve come up with a handy guide for any first-time pool owner. Keep on top of your maintenance, and you won’t encounter any long-term problems. Our beginner’s guide to pool maintenance offers tips on what really counts to keep your pool clean and healthy.

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The Four Best Ways To Test Swimming Pool Water

During the summer months, your swimming pool will get maximum usage, and as a pool owner, you’ll need to be testing the water regularly to ensure it is fit to swim in. Hot weather will lead to water evaporation which can deplete chlorine levels and pH levels causing more algae and bacteria. That’s why it’s essential in the high season to test your pool water regularly every week or so, to find out if it’s healthy, clean and clear.

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What Is The Purpose Of A Swimming Pool Filter Pump

If the size and style of a swimming pool is the main event, the unsung hero working behind the scenes has to be the filter. A good filter works hard all the time to keep your pool clean, crystal clear and sanitary. In fact, any pool without a filter is like a home without a bathroom – not really functional.

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What Will Heavy Rain Do To My Pool?

Did you know that one of the worst things for your swimming pool is water? It’s no joke, rain water can mess with your home pool in many ways, from its electrics to the chemical balance and, in flood situations, it can even fry your pump. Of course, in winter, we expect our share of heavy rain and electrical storms. You would’t use your pool during a thunderstorm, but if you should jump in afterwards, you could find your eyes stinging and the water tasting unusual.

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Prepare Your Pool: Pool Maintenance Tips

A pool is an investment that requires constant maintenance. A balanced maintenance routine should be upheld every month of the year. Read all our tips today! With summer drawing to a close, it won’t be long until the cold weather sets in and your pool starts to see less use. It’s not uncommon for homeowners to let their pool maintenance regime slip a little during winter, which can cause a lot of stress when it’s time to start using your pool again in spring and summer. To ensure your pool is cared for all year-round, all you need to do is follow these simple, easy-to-follow steps.

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We invite you to visit our display centres or contact us today for a free quote and site appraisal. Let Barrier Reef Pools WA and its skilled, experienced and friendly sales staff work with you in selecting the very best design to meet your special needs.

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With three display centres around Perth, there is always someone close by to answer any questions you have on our fibreglass pools and to show you our extensive range of pools.

Joondalup Display Centre
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