The first fibreglass pools launched onto the market seventy years ago. The 1950s may have been the era of their introduction, but it wasn't until the 1990s that they became the pool of choice for the people of Australia. They may have been around for decades, but people still question the durability of fibreglass pools. As one of the biggest suppliers in WA, we want to debunk some of the myths surrounding fibreglass pools and dissect fact from fiction.

What are the myths?
Fibreglass pools can crack
There is still a misconception that fibreglass pools can crack which comes from the inaccurate assumption that fibreglass is a delicate material. A fibreglass pool uses multiple layers of composite materials to make it incredibly solid.
At Barrier Reef Pools Perth, we use the latest gel coat and resin technology for a superior, long-lasting finish. There are seven layers to each fibreglass pool to make it as strong as nails. The detailed manufacturing process gives each pool strength and resistance to corrosion and UV damage while also the flexibility to withstand ground movement and prevent cracking.

Fibreglass pools can pop out of the ground
This myth has been floating around for a while (no pun intended) – can fibreglass pools pop out of the ground? The phenomenon is known as pool flotation or pool popping. Pressure underneath a fibreglass pool, such as water build-up, will exert force. If pool drainage is poor following heavy rainwater, groundwater can accumulate around the pool, causing it to pop out.
However, proper installation will ensure this never happens. If you select a pool contractor with extensive experience they will know whether a hydrostatic pressure relief valve needs fitting during the construction process.
In its simplest form, hydrostatic pressure refers to the pressure exerted by water in the ground against the wall and floor of the pool. Hydrostatic pressure increases with the depth of the water and can impact the pool structure. If water could accumulate beneath the pool, then a hydrostatic pressure relief will alleviate the problem.
Fibreglass pools are difficult to install
Another inaccurate statement. A fibreglass swimming pool is a shell and this mould goes into the ground. However, it is not a time-consuming or complex process. Because the moulds are pre-manufactured in a factory, the installation process is straightforward.
Siteworks include preparing the ground to ensure proper drainage and a suitable base. The shell is made off-site, so specialist equipment will deliver and place it into position. Once the pool is in the ground, a backfill of earth will provide structural support. Plumbing and electrical works will follow, then landscaping or hardscaping. A fibreglass pool installation can take as little as a week to complete.

Fibreglass pools only come in limited designs
Nothing could be further from the truth. When you choose a fibreglass pool, you are essentially choosing a mould or shell. Most pool manufacturers, like ourselves, have a wide range of shapes, sizes, and designs with customised options such as lights or jets to suit your preferences and budget. With pre-designed pools, the installation process is quick and efficient.
Want to find out more? Why not visit one of our display centres? Barrier Reef Pools Perth has the largest selection of fibreglass swimming pools in Perth. Plus, we have just won the prestigious SPASA Gold Awards in the fibreglass pool selection up to $40k with our Manhattan series.
The first fibreglass pools launched onto the market seventy years ago. The 1950s may have been the era of their introduction, but it wasn't until the 1990s that they became the pool of choice for the people of Australia. They may have been around for decades, but people still question the durability of fibreglass pools. As one of the biggest suppliers in WA, we want to debunk some of the myths surrounding fibreglass pools and dissect fact from fiction.

What are the myths?
Fibreglass pools can crack
There is still a misconception that fibreglass pools can crack which comes from the inaccurate assumption that fibreglass is a delicate material. A fibreglass pool uses multiple layers of composite materials to make it incredibly solid.
At Barrier Reef Pools Perth, we use the latest gel coat and resin technology for a superior, long-lasting finish. There are seven layers to each fibreglass pool to make it as strong as nails. The detailed manufacturing process gives each pool strength and resistance to corrosion and UV damage while also the flexibility to withstand ground movement and prevent cracking.

Fibreglass pools can pop out of the ground
This myth has been floating around for a while (no pun intended) – can fibreglass pools pop out of the ground? The phenomenon is known as pool flotation or pool popping. Pressure underneath a fibreglass pool, such as water build-up, will exert force. If pool drainage is poor following heavy rainwater, groundwater can accumulate around the pool, causing it to pop out.
However, proper installation will ensure this never happens. If you select a pool contractor with extensive experience they will know whether a hydrostatic pressure relief valve needs fitting during the construction process.
In its simplest form, hydrostatic pressure refers to the pressure exerted by water in the ground against the wall and floor of the pool. Hydrostatic pressure increases with the depth of the water and can impact the pool structure. If water could accumulate beneath the pool, then a hydrostatic pressure relief will alleviate the problem.
Fibreglass pools are difficult to install
Another inaccurate statement. A fibreglass swimming pool is a shell and this mould goes into the ground. However, it is not a time-consuming or complex process. Because the moulds are pre-manufactured in a factory, the installation process is straightforward.
Siteworks include preparing the ground to ensure proper drainage and a suitable base. The shell is made off-site, so specialist equipment will deliver and place it into position. Once the pool is in the ground, a backfill of earth will provide structural support. Plumbing and electrical works will follow, then landscaping or hardscaping. A fibreglass pool installation can take as little as a week to complete.

Fibreglass pools only come in limited designs
Nothing could be further from the truth. When you choose a fibreglass pool, you are essentially choosing a mould or shell. Most pool manufacturers, like ourselves, have a wide range of shapes, sizes, and designs with customised options such as lights or jets to suit your preferences and budget. With pre-designed pools, the installation process is quick and efficient.
Want to find out more? Why not visit one of our display centres? Barrier Reef Pools Perth has the largest selection of fibreglass swimming pools in Perth. Plus, we have just won the prestigious SPASA Gold Awards in the fibreglass pool selection up to $40k with our Manhattan series.