Fibreglass pools have become increasingly more popular in recent years and it is no surprise why. They are easy to maintain, keep clean, durable and more affordable than a concrete pool. Purchasing a swimming pool will most likely be the biggest investment you make for your home, so it’s important you do your research and get it right the first time, as changing your mind later would be a very expensive task. One of the main questions we are asked is how long do fibreglass pools last? Let’s take a look at some important factors and information about swimming pools and their longevity

Different swimming pools and their lifespan
There are 3 different types of swimming pools on the market today and they are Vinyl Liner, Concrete and Fibreglass. See below the different types and their expected lifespan
Vinyl Liner Pools – Several studies have shown that vinyl pools will only last around 6-12 years, a Vinyl pool may cost less at the beginning but keep in mind it is higher maintenance and you will have to replace the pool in such a short amount of time, in turn, this could cost you a lot more in the long run
Concrete Pools – Concrete Pools have been a popular choice for quite some time due to the fact you can choose any type of design you wish that will fit your landscaping. A concrete pool will last longer than a Vinyl Liner but it is important to take note that they do need to be resurfaced every 10 years and are more expensive when it comes to maintenance as more chemicals are needed to kill off bacteria and algae.
Fibreglass Pools – Fibreglass Pools will last 30 years if not longer, it is important when choosing a fibreglass pool you ensure you are purchasing from a company that only manufactures top-quality pools. Here at Barrier Reef Pools Perth, we offer a lifetime structural and internal warranty on all our pools so you can rest assure you are buying nothing but the best at the highest standards available which means your pool will last a lifetime!
What is a Fibreglass Pool?
A fibreglass pool is a one-piece swimming pool that is made in a factory from a particular mould, then the pool is sent to the required location. Funnily enough fibreglass pools are not made from just fibreglass, they are made from 7 different layers of strength which is why they are so durable, flexible and long-lasting. They come in an extensive range of different shapes, styles and sizes, let us take a look at the 7 different strengths that make a fibreglass pool.
7 Layers of Strength
1. Interior Surface Finish
2. Anti Corrosion Barrier
3. First Structural Layer and then added is an additional Chemical Resistant Layer
4. Second Structural Layer
5. Reinforcement Layer
6. Outer Core Laminate
7. Outer Sealer Coat
As you can see there are a number of layers to a fibreglass pool which is why it can withstand earth movements, cope in extreme weather and last a lifetime. Fibreglass pools are also designed not to crack which why they have a slight flex to their shape, whereas concrete pools are known for cracking due to earth movements and extreme weather. Concrete pools are also known for cracks to appear even as early as onsite once installed if there is an excess amount of water in the concrete mix or if the pool is being installed on a windy or bad weather day.

How is a Fibreglass Pool Installed?
Here at Barrier Reef Pools Perth, we have 4 simple step process when it comes to installing your top quality Fibreglass Pool
1. Contact us and we can give you a free no-obligation quote- Our whole team is highly qualified with many years of experience in the fibreglass pool industry and are more than happy to organise a free onsite quote so you can begin your pool journey!
2. Approval for your quote- One of our experienced dealers will then organise for your quote to be approved by the council, we take care of all of this for you
3. Installing your pool- We will then get the process underway of the construction and evacuation of your pool, we go above and beyond to ensure this step is as simple and hassle-free as possible, your new fibreglass pool could be installed in as little as 7 days!
4. The final step- You are now the owner of a top-quality fibreglass pool, pool all you need to do now is enjoy your new swimming pool and make many wonderful memories for the years ahead.
What are the distinctive and attractive features of a fibreglass pool?
• Gel coat and smooth surface
• Bacteria resistant
• Maintainance is easy and affordable
• Most companies offer a lifetime or an extensive amount of years for a structural warranty
• lightweight and durable
• Quick and easy to install
• Extensive range of shapes and sizes

How do I maintain my Fibreglass pool?
Fibreglass Pools are a popular choice due to their low maintenance, in saying that cleaning and maintaining your pool in a regular basis still needs to be done, you must stay on top of your maintenance schedule. Below are some helpful tips on how to clean your fibreglass swimming pool
Dirt and Debris
Remove dirt and debris regularly it doesn’t matter if there are trees or plants near your pool or not, you will still most likely find that there will be leaves, bugs, dirt and lots of other nasties. When your pool is dirty its unhygienic and doesn’t look appealing. You can purchase cleaning tools at any pool shop for removing debris and they are not expensive. You will need a skimming net with a telescopic pole which will allow you to reach dirt that’s anywhere in your pool.
Pool Vaccum is a must!
A pool vacuum can be purchased from any pool shop and is a lifesaver when it comes to removing dirt, bugs and leaves from the bottom of your pool. A pool vacuum will also help prevent staining.
Take extra care when dealing with cleaning products
Harsh cleaners can damage fibreglass pool so it is important to stay clear of those. Only use products that are made particularly for fibreglass pools, and when cleaning those hard to get areas use a soft bristle brush, using a hard bristle brush will cause scratches on your pool.
Always stay on track of the chemical balance of the water Checking the balance of your pool every day is important to ensure you stay on top of it. The recommended PH level should be between 7.2 and 7.6. Always have the chemicals available to ensure you keep the PH at the recommended level.
Pool Filters
Fibreglass pools need top-quality filters to ensure the water is kept clean at all times. Your pool filters should be left to run for at least 6-8 hours each day. The best time to turn the filter on is straight after the pool has been used, this will ensure any dirt etc is collected and cleaned from the pool. Ensuring your pool filter has been running for several hours will also help maintain the correct chemical balance.
A Pool Cover is a fantastic investment!
Even in the cooler months when your pool is not being used it will still need maintenance. Having a pool cover will help prevent your pool water from getting contaminated and stop any dirt and debris from entertaining your pool. Having a pool cover will also save you a lot of time when it is time to use the pool again.
It is no surprise that Fibreglass Pools are becoming the number one choice for homeowners across Australia. They are long-lasting, durable, modern, affordable, low maintenance and look fantastic! Here at Barrier Reef Pools Perth, we offer an extensive range of fibreglass pools in a large range of different sizes, colours, shapes and designs to suit everyone’s needs. All of our pools have a lifetime structural and internal warranty and each of our pools comes with the 5 tick certified product of approval. We make no exception when it comes to delivering only the highest quality fibreglass pools that last a lifetime! If you are in the market for a fibreglass pool then give us a call today and one of our friendly team can answer any question you might have!