You know the swim season is drawing to a close when there are more clouds in the sky than sun, you notice days are getting shorter and you contemplate switching your reticulation system off. But before you pull across your swim cover across for the winter season, and the fun in the sun comes to a halt, here are some ways you can extend it a bit longer.

Install a Heat Pump
Pool heat pumps are highly efficient and are cheap to operate, making it one of the most cost-effective ways to heat your pool.
Heat pumps use similar technology to your fridge and air-conditioner at home – although in reverse. Firstly, the system draws in warm external air through fans. This warm air circulates through an evaporator coil, which warms and evaporates liquid refrigerant within an inner coil. This refrigerant then passes through a heat exchanger condenser. Water from the pool pumps into the heat exchange condenser in a thin pipe. Heat transfers from the evaporated refrigerant into the thin pipe containing pool water before circulating back into the pool. The now cool refrigerant condenses back into a liquid, so the cycle can continue.
Cover your pool with solar blanket
A solar pool cover or blanket is an inexpensive way to stretch out your pool season a tad longer. At first glance, they look like a giant stretch of blue bubble wrap but solar pool covers serve a great purpose. They lock in the heat from the sun when the pool isn’t being used. It can warm your water up by 8 degrees. The top layer allows solar energy to penetrate the water and the bubble material means it maximises heat retention.
There’s no need for ropes or anchors tying them down, you’ll just need a bit of muscle power and patience to roll them away.

Consider outside patio heaters or a fire pit
Yes, I know what you’re thinking – an outdoor patio heater or a fire pit won’t make your pool warmer – but it will warm you up when you get out of the pool. When the air is a bit chilly, isn’t it nice to feel toasty with a blast of heat?
A patio heater can be powered by natural gas, propane or electricity. You can buy a pre-made fire pit or build your own and if you buy some weather-proof furniture, you can lounge around it whenever you want – but just don’t forget to clear up the ash afterwards.
Enclose your pool
If the above doesn’t go far enough, you could always thinking about making your outdoor swimming pool – an indoor one by choosing to enclose it. It’s an extreme option but with insulated walls and ceilings it will give you the option to swim all year around.
Plus there’s an added advantage – a pool enclosure will mean you will save on heating costs, and reduce water evaporation. You’ll be buying less chemicals and just think they’ll be way less dirt and debris clogging up your filter!

There are plenty of options so you can stretch out your pool enjoyment for longer. Barrier Reef Pools Perth manufactures quality, award-winning fibreglass pools. More than 70% of our business comes through recommendation and we have secured close to 150 SPASA Awards. It all adds up to quality and service you can trust. Why not get in touch with us today and start the process to get the pool you’ve always wanted?