How Quickly Can A Fibreglass Pool Be Installed?
The first thing you should know about pool installation timings is: fibreglass pools have the fastest installation time on the market! So, congratulations to you for choosing the best option right off the bat!
Here at Barrier Reef Pools Perth, we understand that knowing the exact installation time is important for many of Australia’s prospective pool owners. It’s not uncommon for a matter of weeks, even days, to be the difference between purchasing a fibreglass pool or not. That’s why our team of experienced pool experts have come together in this article to give you an accurate and informed answer; because how long does it really take to install a fibreglass pool is an important question to us.

The Installation Process For A Fibreglass Pool
In answer to your question: a fibreglass pool from Barrier Reef Pools Perth can be installed in as little as 7 days in the best possible scenario.
The best-case scenario is usually a very optimistic case, however, as pool installation is a very complex and multi-step process. Unfortunately, this means a lot can go wrong during the installation which can cause delays; just one reason why you should only ever choose to buy from a professional certified install like Barrier Reef Pools Perth.
Realistically, fibreglass pools can typically take anywhere between 3 – 6 weeks to install, not including ordering and process time. This also does not take into account unforeseen complications.
So, what exactly is this mystical installation process? Understanding the steps it takes to install a fibreglass pool is a great way to clarify exactly how and why some pools are installed in certain timeframes. These steps include:
- Before you purchase a pool, we highly recommend filling out our free, online quote form. This provides us with crucial details and allows us to send out a professional pool installer to your property. This expert will then inspect your property and confirm whether or not the space is suitable for a fibreglass pool. They will be on the lookout for any slopes or soil complications that may affect installation. This stage can be greatly affected by the time of year, as summer sees a surge in pool orders.
- The next step is the exciting part! You get to choose your fibreglass shell (also known as the pool design.) The shell is then shipped to your property by the nearest manufacturer. If you see any of our trucks on the road, make sure to wave! Travel time will depend on your home’s location.
- This next phase is likely the one you’ve seen photos of: namely, our installation team lifts your fibreglass pool onto your property by crane! This process allows our team to complete the installation job extremely fast – no need to wait around for concrete to dry. Cranes are also very convenient in accessing tight-spaced urban homes.
- Pencil compacting allows our installers to transform the soil around your fibreglass pool solid and firm so that paving around the shell can begin as soon as possible.
- Timber boxing is then implemented around the fibreglass pool shell in order to secure it.
- In order to secure that paving, concrete is poured around the shell. This restricts movement of the pavements by the surrounding earth, increasing stability.
- Plumbing is integrated while at the same time paving bond is poured into the space between the concrete and the pavers so that the pool edges do not become loose. This is a very important step, as inexperienced plumbing could cause leaks in your pool later if not properly installed.
- Now you get to fill up your pool with water! This is the last step before you’re able to dive headfirst into your new pool.

Issues That May Cause Delays In Installation
Now that you understand the exact process behind installing a fibreglass pool, it’s important to take note of exactly what can affect this and cause delays. Knowing these complications and their details will greatly assist you in preparing for the worse, and even avoiding most of them before they can become an issue!
Issues that can slow down installation include:
- As we mentioned earlier, one of the most crucial steps to the installation site is one of our representatives inspecting your site. If your property’s backyard (or wherever the space is you plan to install your pool) is affected by landscaping issues, this can drastically affect installation and even the price. Landscaping issues include:
- Slopes, ridges, hills or mounds in your back. A flat surface is preferred for installation and any unevenness in the ground will require flattening
- Loose soil. As we mentioned before, pencil compacting is required around the pool shell to form a stable base for the shell to rest upon.
- Heavy bedrock. Excessive amounts of rocks underneath soil will make digging the hole in which the pool is installed far more complex and expensive.
- You will need approval from the local council in all cases in order to install a new pool on your property. This means you will have to undergo a planning process and apply for permit permission. Barrier Reef Pools Perth can manage the majority of this process, however, different local authorities will operate under different laws. It is not uncommon therefore to have to undergo a waiting period, especially during peak traffic months (summer.)
- As you can imagine, the weather tends to have a rather large impact on the construction of any kind. Rain can affect the effectiveness of pencil compaction and plumbing installation.
- Probably the single biggest determiner of how long your fibreglass pool will take to install is the time of year you order. Summer sees a large number of Aussie families placing pool orders, and therefore we strongly recommend ordering in Winter to avoid the queue!
Install Your Fibreglass Pool In As Little As 7 Days!
as a week! So, what are you waiting for?
Order Time Can Drastically Affect Installation Time
As you’re now aware, the time of year you order is critical to how long it will take to install your pool. Many families place their orders in the warmer months, such as spring and summer, when swimming is ideal. However, not very many people are aware that winter is the perfect time to order! Very few other people will be thinking of swimming in the cold weather, meaning that the order queue will be short and you most likely not have to wait as long for council permission. Ordering during winter could speed up your installation time by weeks or even months!
Make Sure You Use A Certified Installer; Like Barrier Reef Pools Perth
Of course, there is one factor we haven’t mentioned yet that drastically affects installation time: choosing the right pool installer! Choosing an unverified, inexperienced installer could mean you’re waiting months or even a year for your pool to arrive. Worse yet, the wrong installer could do a bad job of installation and leave your pool with serious structural damage. That’s why it’s absolutely important that you choose a professional pool installer that’s right for you: like Barrier Reef Pools Perth! We pride ourselves on our exceptional customer service and over 30+ years of experience. Get in touch now; our friendly, professional team is ready to install your fibreglass pool in as little as 7 days!