Australians love the outdoor life and view their back yards as an extension of their home. Is it any wonder that the number of people owning a pool increases every year?
Thoughts turn to buying a pool in the winter when they imagine longer days and endless sunshine. June, July and August are the best times to buy a swimming pool because it will be ready for the new pool season. Plus, ordering a pool gives you something enjoyable to look forward to.
But remember the P’s – Proper Planning will Prevent future Problems. When investing in a new fibreglass pool, avoid mistakes from the outset.
Click here for answers to frequent questions when installing a Fibreglass Pool!

Pool Placement
This is key – where is the best place for your pool? If you’re buying a pool because you have children, then it’s imperative you should have a view of the pool from your house – for both safety and practical reasons.
You want to maximise sun exposure to keep the water warm, so don’t put your pool in the shade. Avoid installing it close to large trees because it will block the sun. Branches that overhang your pool are guaranteed to shed leaves and debris into your water, although screening and shrubbery will reduce wind exposure which can cause water evaporation.
Don’t forget about your fence. Every state in Australia has different laws on fencing. Regulations are continually being updated to improve safety.
Be Aware of Costs
Your Fibreglass Pool can make a great investment! However, expect the unexpected! Factor in surplus money for any unforeseen costs. Very few back yards are level, so be prepared that you may have to build lower areas up or take away unwanted rocks. Yards are easy to transform to the right level – but that may impact costs.
The larger the pool, the more expensive it will be because of extra materials, increased excavation and soil removal costs.
Landscaping can be an afterthought, but decking, plants and lighting will transform your pool from a conventional swimming pool into one to inspire and delight family, friends and neighbours. Set aside some money for the extras to beautify your pool at the end of the project.

Think long term rather than in the now
What will your pool be used, for now, tomorrow and beyond? Over the years, it may evolve from being a place of fun and games for younger family members to a pool for casual get-togethers or laps for strenuous exercise.
Children will grow up to become teenagers – a shallow end is perfect for them in their early years, but they may want to dive into a deeper part of the pool as they get older. What about ageing relatives wanting to enter the water comfortably? Handrails on all steps and water ledges around the pool will offer greater accessibility.
Of course, the number one mistake is not selecting the perfect pool company. Barrier Reef Pools Perth is one of the leading pool companies in WA. Established for more than 30 years, 70% of our work comes through customer referrals.

All pools have extensive warranties covering structure, osmosis, and pool colour. Each one is constructed to the highest standards and covered with an extensive warranty. Read our Google reviews and discover why we’re the top choice for fibreglass pools in Perth.